Did You Know? Welcome Spring

Did You Know? Welcome Spring

  • Dennis Hartley
  • 03/23/22

Did you know?

The first spring flowers are typically daffodils, dandelions, lilies, tulips, iris and lilacs to name a few. Baby birds learn to sing during spring. Although they are born with the ability to sing, they must learn the specific songs of their species. They often learn their songs within two months of being born.

Arizona and Hawaii do not follow daylight savings. They already have enough sunlight and hot weather, so it doesn't make sense to confuse the sleeping cycle of their residents.

Per CORELOGIC, soaring home prices over the past year boosted home equity wealth to new highs through Q4 2021. The amount of equity in mortgaged real estate increased by more than $3.2 trillion in Q4 2021, an annual increase of 29.3%, according to the latest CoreLogic Homeowner Equity Report. The average annual gain in equity was $55,300 per borrower, more than two times the gain from a year earlier.

Gen Z — those born between 1997 and 2012 — has become the most active faction in the housing market, flocking to major cities that some claimed were doomed in the pandemic. Major cities to see a spike in its share of Gen Z renters include New York’s Manhattan, San Jose, Los Angeles, and Irving, Texas.  

Per CNBC, a recent Harvard study revealed that spices, avocados, leafy greens, nuts, dark chocolate, and fermented foods are great foods to fuel the brain. Not exactly a brand-new revelation, but it’s nice to be reminded especially if one or more of these are favorites on your table!

California boasts these two impressive stats:

- Life expectancy in California is 80.8 years.
- California’s Covid mortality rate was 36% below the national average.


Photo by Tschernjawski Sergej on Unsplash



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With over three decades of experience as a top ranked agent, he has the answer to any real estate question. He has helped nearly 1000 families buy or sell real estate. His emphasis on customer service has resulted in numerous sales awards and many satisfied clients.